Introducing Equitable Grading to Families
“What do you mean you don’t grade homework?” Have you heard this question before? What about, “How is my kid going to be prepared for college if they can turn in late work?” Many parents don’t understand standards based grading. Some even petition against it, begging schools, “Do not take away the reward for rigor, […]
A Strategy for Building Productive Relationships With Parents
This article was originally published by Edutopia in 2020. Crystal Frommert is the author of When Calling Parents Isn’t Your Calling: A Teacher’s Guide to Communicating With Parents. “Can I schedule a conference with you?” Do these words cause anxiety? If so, you’re not alone. But communicating with parents and guardians is one of the […]
Rebooting the Education System
Episode 68 of the podcast Your Life By Design, hosted by Dr. Sundaras, features Mastery Portfolio’s CEO Constance Borro. In this episode, Rebooting The Education System, Constance shares Mastery Portfolio’s mission to “make the path of learning clear and motivating for kids, teachers, administrators, and parents.” Listen and learn about how Mastery Portfolio began, the […]
Effectively Communicate with Families About Your Shift to Standards-Based Grading with the Mastery Book
Has your school shifted to Standards Based Grading or thinking about it? It’s important we communicate with parents so they understand the implications. Read on to learn more.