In 2018, Constance Borro became frustrated that, despite having the budget in her school at the time to purchase the standards-based grading software solution of her choice, she couldn’t find one that was philosophically-aligned to best practices in assessment. Each one she considered was either too rigid, too evaluative, or too heavy on averages. She rallied two colleagues to work together to found Mastery Portfolio in 2019 to build the software they needed in their classroom- one that celebrated growth, painted a picture of progress, and inspired action from teachers and students. In the second year, they codified their own practices and research-based best practices in assessment and rolled out a suite of Professional Learning Workshops in their inaugural portfolio of schools. Today, their team has grown to include renowned author and expert Starr Sackstein, who is leading the Professional Learning team to be able to help all schools reach their vision for innovative and equitable assessment practices and dramatic student progress. Because of our passion to help schools truly empower students to own their learning and treat each child with dignity, we work hard to see where schools are in this journey and support them through their shift to a more equitable and sustainable assessment paradigm.
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