- A Form of Differentiation
- Academic Vocabulary
- Additional Learning Opportunities
- Agency
- Aims
- Alternative Assessments
- Assessment Products or Performances
- Asset-Based Learning
- Authentic Learning Experiences
- Authentic Assessment
- Authentic Audience
- Check for Understanding
- Choice Boards
- Choice Menus
- Clarity
- Co-construct
- Co-Construction of Success Criteria
- Commentary
- Competency
- Competency-Based Learning
- Competency-Based Grading
- Components to include on a scoring guide or rubric
- Constructive feedback
- Continuous Learning Opportunities
- Critique
- Cross-Disciplinary
- Cumulative tasks
- Curriculum Guide
- Curriculum Map
- Data Collection
- Depth of Knowledge (DOK)
- Discipline-Specific Skills
- Educational Equity
- End assessments
- End of term exams
- Equitable Grading Practices
- Evidence of learning
- Evidence of Learning
- Exit Tickets and Closure Activities
- Expert Groups
- Fair Versus Equal
- Feed-forward
- Feedback
- Formative Assessment
- Formative Tasks
- Formative Assessment
- Gradual Release of Control
- Gradual Release of Responsibility
- Graduation Outcome
- Homework
- Insufficient Evidence
- Interdisciplinary
- Key competencies
- Lack of Mastery
- Learning Centers
- Learning Goals
- Learning Intentions
- Learning Outcomes
- Learning Stations
- Learning Menus
- Learning Progressions
- Learning Targets
- Mastery-Based Assessment
- Mastery-Based Grading
- Mastery Scale
- Mastery Transcript
- Objectives
- Parent Partnership
- Peer Assessment
- Peer Review
- Peer Feedback
- Performance Tasks or Assessment
- Pivot
- Portfolio Assessment
- Power Differential
- Problem-Based Learning
- Productive Struggle
- Proficiency
- Progress Report
- Project-Based Learning (PBL)
- Projects
- Reflection and Self-Assessment
- Rotations
- Rubric
- Self-Efficacy
- Setting the Challenge
- Sharing Clarity
- Single Point Rubric
- Skill
- Social-Emotional Learning
- Standard
- Standards-Based Learning
- Standards-Based Grading
- Station Learning
- Strategic Plan
- Student-Led Conferences
- Sub-skill
- Success Criteria
- Summative Assessment
- Task Analysis
- Transfer Skills
- Ungrading
- Unit exams/tests
- Universal Design for Learning (UDL)
- Validation