At the heart of lifelong learning is a deep understanding of metacognition and the ability to consider our learning and use that to set goals and we can help.
At the heart of learning is reflection, the metacognitive process that allows us to dig deeper into the understanding of what we know and can do and what we continue to need practice with. Teaching students to be reflective in their practice will go a long way to helping classroom teachers be more effective in their instructional practices. In this workshop, participants will learn what excellent standards-based reflection looks like and how to help students enrich their meta-cognitive practices. Educators will learn to scaffold the process and learn to embed reflection for better student learning and teacher feedback.
Grading is the most laborious part of being an educator and too often we get it wrong. If we can engage students in a meaningful way in the process, think about how much more useful our communication of learning can be. In this workshop, participants will learn how to bring students into the assessment process. We will talk about co-creation of rubrics and success criteria and how to get students to look more objectively at their own learning on a mastery scale. This workshop is ideal to be done with students and teachers alike. Teaching Students to Self-Assess is a companion text for this workshop.
Reflection is an essential tool in the learning process regardless of our age. Learning to be intentional about reflection helps us grow as learners and helps teachers develop better learning experiences. In this workshop, participants will explore the nature of reflection, why it should be included in the work we do, how to embed it and how to deepen the reflections students share. Participants will explore their own reflective practices and determine how best to roll the practice out in their classrooms.
We custom design workshops for Student Reflection and Self-Assessment in lots of schools. Fill out the form below to contact us about your specific workshop needs.
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