Introducing Equitable Grading to Families

“What do you mean you don’t grade homework?” Have you heard this question before? What about, “How is my kid going to be prepared for college if they can turn in late work?” Many parents don’t understand standards based grading. Some even petition against it, begging schools, “Do not take away the reward for rigor, […]

Office Hours: 30 minutes with Constance Borro

“Having specific, real-time data doesn’t seem possible in the status quo, but it is possible, and that data is transformative. “ Constance Borro, CEO of Mastery Portfolio Constance Borro, CEO of Mastery Portfolio, sat down with R.E.A.L Discussion to talk about Mastery Portoflio’s beginning, its strengths, and our ultimate goal of revolutionizing grading and assessment practices […]

Reversing Grading Meltdowns: a MasteryBook User’s Story

Enthusiastically Written and Shared By Jessica Claasse, educator at BEIS Mastery portfolio was introduced to me on the verge of a grading meltdown. I am not sure if that is even a thing. But let’s call it what it is- Grading sucks. If I have to turn the seconds of sleep that I have lost […]

When Students Design the Assessment, Everyone Wins

Sometimes we throw ideas into the wind in our classroom and hope for the best. Even when we are intentional there are times that we just don’t know what will happen when we pass the baton to the kids. But this is a risk we must take because keeping control for ourselves, grossly limits the […]

Why Mastery Portfolio?

Shifting away from traditional grading practices is challenging, but that obstacle shouldn’t deter any educator who is interested in doing what is best for all kids. As we move to a different paradigm that tracks learning through progress of priority competencies, we allow students to see their strengths and build on them. In this podcast […]

Rebooting the Education System

Episode 68 of the podcast Your Life By Design, hosted by Dr. Sundaras, features Mastery Portfolio’s CEO Constance Borro. In this episode, Rebooting The Education System, Constance shares Mastery Portfolio’s mission to “make the path of learning clear and motivating for kids, teachers, administrators, and parents.” Listen and learn about how Mastery Portfolio began, the […]